• 1 Three Gaṇeśa Mantras
• 2 Purṇamadaḥ Śāntiḥ Mantras
• 3 Two Gāyatrī Mantras
• 4 Thrī Gaṇeśa Gāyatrī Mantras
• 5 Pavamāna Mantra
• 6 Śāntiḥ Mantra
• 7 Jana-Kalyāna Mantra
• 8 Bhojana Mantra
• 9 Śiva Prārthanā Mantra
• 10 Mahā Mṛtyuñjaya Mantra
• 11 Gaṇapati Dīpam
• 12 Subrahmaṇya Dīpam
• 13 Śiva Dīpam
• 14 Gaṇeśa Invocation
• 15 Siva Suprabhatam in English
• 16 Shiv Tandav Stotram
Lesson 1
Three Gaṇeśa Mantras
ॐ श्री गणेशाय॒ नमः॑
oṁ śrī gaṇeśāya̱ nama̍ḥ
ॐ गं गणपतये॒ नमः॑
oṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye̱ nama̍ḥ
ॐ विघ्न नाशनाय॒ नमः॑
oṁ vighna nāśanāya̱ nama̍ḥ
Translation: These three mantras express adoration to Lord Ganesha.
Lesson 2: Purṇamadaḥ Śāntiḥ Mantra
ॐ पू॑र्ण॒मदः॒ पू॑र्ण॒मिदं॒ पू॑र्णा॒त्पू॑र्ण॒मुद॒च्यते ।
पू॑र्ण॒स्य पू॑र्ण॒मादा॒य पू॑र्ण॒मेवा॑वशिष्यते
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑॥
oṁ pū̍rṇa̱mada̱ḥ pū̍rṇa̱mida̱ṁ pū̍rṇā̱tpū̍rṇa̱muda̱cyate |
pū̍rṇa̱sya pū̍rṇa̱mādā̱ya pū̍rṇa̱mevā̍vaśiṣyate ||
oṁ śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ pūr–ṇa̱–ma–da̱ḥ pūr–ṇa̱–mi–da̱ṁ pūr–ṇā̱t–pūr–ṇa̱–mu–da̱c–ya–te |
pūr–ṇa̱s–ya pūr–ṇa̱–mā–dā̱–ya pūr–ṇa̱–me–vā̍–va–śiṣ–ya–te ||
oṁ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̍ḥ
Siva is Fullness. Creation is fullness. From Siva’s Fullness flows this world’s fullness. This fullness issues from that Fullness, yet that Fullness remains unchanged.
(This mantra is also the last two lines of the Bhojana Mantra.)
Lesson 3: Two Gāyatrī Mantras
Gāyatrī Mantra

oṁ bhūr-bhu-va̱ḥ su-va̍ḥ |
tat-sa̍-vi̱-tur-va-re̎n-ya̱m |
bhar-go̍ de̱-vas-ya̍ dhī-ma-hi dhi-yo̱ yo na̍ḥ pra-co̱-da-yā̎t ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ bhūr–bhu–va̱ḥ su–va̍ḥ |
tat–sa̍–vi̱–tur–va–re̎n–ya̱m |
bhar–go̍ de̱–vas–ya̍ dhī–ma–hi dhi–yo̱ yo na̍ḥ pra–co̱–da–yā̎t ||
We meditate on that effulgence of God, the creator. May He guide our intellects. (reference to the thrī worlds is not included in the translation.)
Haṁsa Gāyatrī Mantra

oṁ ha̱ṁsa̱ ha̱ṁsāya̍ vi̱dmahe̍
paramaha̱ṁsāya̍ dhīmahi |
tanno̍ haṁsaḥ praco̱dayā̎t ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ ha̱ṁ-sa̱ ha̱ṁ–sā-ya̍ vi̱d-ma-he̍
pa-ra-ma-ha̱ṁ–sā-ya̍ dhī-ma-hi |
tan–no̍ haṁ–saḥ pra-co̱-da-yā̎t ||
We devote our thoughts to the Divine Swan.
We meditate upon the Supreme Divine Swan.
May the Divine Swan guide us on the right path.
(Some translations indicate that the Divine Swan refers to the guru.)
Lesson 4: Three Gaṇeśa Gāyatrī Mantras
Ekadanta Gāyatrī

oṁ ekada̱ntāya vi̱dmahe̍ vakratu̱ṇḍāya̍ dhīmahi |
tanno̍ dantiḥ praco̱dayā̎t ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ e–ka–da̱n–tā–ya vi̱d–ma–he̍
vak–ra–tu̱ṇ–ḍā–ya̍ dhī–ma–hi |
tan–no̍ dan–tiḥ pra–co̱–da–yā̎t ||
We devote our thoughts to the one-tusked Lord.
We meditate upon Him who has a curved trunk.
May the tusked One guide us on the right path.
Tatpuruṣāya Gāyatrī

oṁ tatpuru̱ṣāya vi̱dmahe̍ vakratu̱ṇḍāya̍ dhīmahi |
tanno̍ dantiḥ praco̱da̍yā̎t ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ tat–pu–ru̱–ṣā–ya vi̱d–ma–he̍
vak–ra–tu̱ṇ–ḍā–ya̍ dhī–ma–hi |
tan–no̍ dan–tiḥ pra–co̱–da–yā̎t ||
We devote our thoughts to that Supreme Person.
We meditate upon Him who has a curved trunk.
May the tusked One guide us on the right path.
Tatkara Gāyatrī

oṁ tatkarā̱tāya vi̱dmahe̍ hastimu̱khāya̍ dhīmahi |
tanno̍ dantiḥ praco̱dayā̎t ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ tat–ka–rā̱–tā–ya vi̱d–ma–he̍
has–ti–mu̱–khā–ya̍ dhī–ma–hi |
tan–no̍ dan–tiḥ pra–co̱–da–yā̎t ||
We devote our thoughts to the mysterious Lord.
We meditate on His elephant face.
May the tusked One guide us on the right path.
Lesson 5: Pavamāna Mantra
ॐ अ॒सतो मा स॒द्गमय ।
त॒मसो मा ज्यो॒तिर्गमय ।
मृत्यो॒र्मामृ॒तं गमय मृत्यो॒र्माऽमृ॒तं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥
oṁ a̱sato mā sa̱dgamaya |
ta̱maso mā jyo̱tir gamaya |
mṛtyo̱rmā’mṛ̱taṁ gamaya |
oṁ śānti̱ḥ śāntiḥ śānti̍ḥ |
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ a̱–sa–to mā sa̱d–ga–ma–ya |
ta̱–ma–so mā jyo̱–tir ga–ma–ya |
mṛt–yo̱r–mā’–mṛ̱–taṁ ga–ma–ya |
oṁ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–tiḥ śān–ti̍ḥ |
Lead me from the unreal to the real,
Lead me from darkness to the light.
Lead me from death to the eternal.
Oṁ, peace, peace, peace.
Advanced Insight
mṛtyo̱rmā’mṛ̱taṁ gamaya |मृत्यो॒र्माऽमृ॒तं गमय ।
Above is the correct rendering of line three of this chant. However, it is often written and chanted as follows in order to make the word amṛtaṁ clearer (so it does not sound like mṛtaṁ, meaning death). mṛtyo̱rmā amṛ̱taṁ gamaya |मृत्यो॒र्मा अमृ॒तं गमय ।
The reason that the a at the beginning of amṛtaṁ is dropped? By the rules of sandhi, the long ā at the end of mṛtyo̱rmā merges with the a at the beginning of amṛ̱taṁ. Since the first ā sound is already long/heavy, even though a short a sound is added to it, it cannot get any longer due to being at the maximum syllable length/weight (i.e. a heavy, two-beat syllable), and so both sounds merge into a single long ā sound. In order to avoid confusion when reading the text, the extra length/beat of the a sound of amṛ̱taṁ that is lost to the contraction of the sounds in sandhi is marked with a symbol called an avagraha ‘ऽ’ in Devanāgari, or a hyphen in transliteration. The avagraha always represents a lost a sound, and a double avagraha ‘ऽऽ’ represents the loss of a long ā when two long ā sounds are merged to a single longer ā. This helps preserve the original meaning of the word for the reader, where it may no longer be fully differentiable in chanting. It should be noted that though the usage of avagraha to mark a lost a sound is ideal, it is often not marked in Sanskrit manuscripts.
Lesson 6: Śāntiḥ Mantra

oṁ sa̱ha nā̍vavatu |
sa̱ha nau̍ bhunaktu |
sa̱ha vī̱ryaṁ̍ karavāvahai |
te̱ja̱svinā̱vadhī̍tamastu̱ |
mā vidviṣā̱vahai̎ |
oṁ śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ sa̱–ha nā̍–va–va–tu |
sa̱–ha nau̍ bhu–nak–tu |
sa̱–ha vī̱r–yaṁ̍ ka–ra–vā–va–hai |
te̱–ja̱s–vi–nā̱–va–dhī̍–ta–mas–tu̱ |
mā vid–vi–ṣā̱–va–hai̎ |
oṁ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̍ḥ ||
Oṁ, may we be protected.
May we enjoy.
May we work together with vigor.
May our studies illumine us.
May we have no contention or hostility betwīn us.
Oṁ, peace, peace, peace.
Lesson 7: Jana-Kalyāna Mantra
ॐ स॒र्वे॒षां स्व॑स्तिर्भ॒व॑तु ।
स॒र्वे॒षां शा॑न्तिर्भ॒व॑तु।
स॒र्वे॒षां पू॑र्णं भ॒व॑तु ।
स॒र्वे॒षां म॑ङ्गलं॑ भ॒व॑तु ॥
स॒र्वे भव॒न्तु सु॒खि॑नः।
स॒र्वे स॒न्तु नि॒राम॑याः।
स॒र्वे भ॒द्राणि॑ प॒श्यन्तु॑ ।
मा॒ कश्चिद् दुःक॒भाग्भ॑वेत् ॥
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ।
oṁ sa̱rve̱ṣāṁ sva̍stirbha̱va̍tu |
sa̱rve̱ṣāṁ śā̍ntirbha̱va̍tu ||
sa̱rve̱ṣāṁ pū̍rnaṁ bha̱va̍tu |
sa̱rve̱ṣāṁ ma̍ṅgala̍ṁ bha̱va̍tu ||
sa̱rve bhava̱ntu su̱khi̍naḥ |
sa̱rve sa̱ntu ni̱rāma̍yāḥ ||
sa̱rve bha̱drāṇi̍ pa̱śyantu̍ |
ma̱ kaścid duḥkha̱bhāgbha̍vet ||
oṁ śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ |
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ sa̱r–ve̱–ṣāṁ sva̍s–tir–bha̱–va̍–tu |
sa̱r–ve̱–ṣāṁ śā̍n–tir–bha̱–va̍–tu ||
sa̱r–ve̱–ṣāṁ pū̍r–naṁ bha̱–va̍–tu |
sa̱r–ve̱–ṣāṁ ma̍ṅ–ga–la̍ṁ bha̱–va̍–tu ||
sa̱r–ve bha–va̱n–tu su̱–khi̍–naḥ |
sa̱r–ve sa̱n–tu ni̱–rā–ma̍–yāḥ ||
sa̱r–ve bha̱d–rā–ṇi̍ pa̱ś–yan–tu̍ |
ma̱ kaś–cid duḥ–kha̱–bhāg–bha̍–vet ||
oṁ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̍ḥ |
May auspiciousness be unto all;
May peace be unto all;
May fullness be unto all;
May prosperity be unto all.
May all be happy!
May all be free from disabilities!
May all look to the good of others!
May none suffer from sorrow!
Oṁ, peace peace, peace.
Lesson 8: Bhojana Mantra
Dr. Thiagarajan audio version–
ॐ अ॒न्न॑पूर्णे स॒दापूर्णे श॒ङ्करप्राणवल्लभे ।
ज्ञानवै॒राग्यसि॒द्ध्यर्थं॑ भि॒क्षां दे॒हि च पा॑र्वति ॥
माता॑ च पा॑र्वती॒ देवी॑ पि॒ता दे॒वो महे॑श्वरः ।
बान्धवाः शि॑वभ॒क्ताश्च स्व॒देशो॒ भुवन॑त्रयम् ॥
ॐ पूर्ण॒मदः॒ पूर्ण॒मिदं॒ पूर्णा॒त्पूर्ण॒मुद॒च्यते ।
पूर्ण॒स्य पूर्ण॒मादा॒य पूर्ण॒मेवावशि॒ष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑॥ ॐ शि॒वार्प॑णम॒स्तु ॥
oṁ a̱nna̍pūrṇe sa̱dāpūrṇe śa̱ṅkaraprāṇavallabhe |
jñānavai̱rāgya si̱ddhyarthaṁ̍ bhi̱kṣāṁ de̱hi ca pā̍rvati ||
mātā̍ ca pā̍rvatī̱ devī̍ pi̱tā de̱vo mahe̍śvaraḥ |
bāndhavāḥ śi̍vabha̱ktāśca sva̱deśo̱ bhuvana̍trayam ||
oṁ pūrṇa̱mada̱ḥ pūrṇa̱mida̱ṁ pūrṇā̱tpūrṇa̱muda̱cyate |
pūrṇa̱sya pūrṇa̱mādā̱ya pūrṇa̱mevāvaśi̱ṣyate ||
oṁ śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ ||
oṁ śi̱vārpa̍ṇama̱stu ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ a̱n–na̍–pūr–ṇe sa̱–dā–pūr–ṇe
śa̱ṅ–ka–rap–rā–ṇa̍–val–la–bhe |
jñā–na–vai̱–rāg–ya si̱d–dhyar–thaṁ̍
bhi̱k–ṣāṁ de̱–hi ca pā̍r–va–ti ||
mā–tā̍ ca pā̍r–va–tī̱ de–vī̍ pi̱–tā de̱–vo ma–he̍ś–va–raḥ |
bān–dha–vāḥ śi̍–va–bha̱k–tāś–ca
sva̱–de–śo̱ bhu–va–na̍t–ra–yam ||
oṁ pūr–ṇa̱–ma–da̱ḥ pūr–ṇa̱–mi–da̱ṁ
pūr–ṇā̱t–pūr–ṇa̱–mu–da̱c–ya–te |
pūr–ṇa̱s–ya pūr–ṇa̱–mā–dā̱–ya
pūr–ṇa̱–me–vā–va–śi̱ṣ–ya–te ||
oṁ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̱ḥ śān–ti̍ḥ ||
oṁ śi̱–vār–pa̍–ṇa–ma̱s–tu ||
Oṁ, Mother who is fullness of food and plenty, fullness everlasting and beloved Śakti of Śiva;
O, Mother of the universe, nourish us with this gift of food so that we may attain knowledge, dispassion and spiritual perfection.
Goddess Parvati is my mother. God Maheshvara is my father.
All devotees of Śiva are my family; all three worlds are my home.
Oṁ, Śiva is Fullness. Creation is fullness. From Śiva’s Fullness flows this world’s fullness.
This fullness issues from that Fullness; that Fullness remains unchanged.
Oṁ, peace, peace, peace. Oṁ, this I offer unto Śiva.
Lesson 9: Śiva Prārthanā Mantra
नम॑स्ते अस्तु भगवन्विश्वेश्व॒राय॑ महादे॒वाय॑ त्र्यम्ब॒काय॑ त्रिपुरान्त॒काय॑ त्रिकाग्निका॒लाय॑ कालाग्निरु॒द्राय॑ नीलक॒ण्ठाय॑ मृत्युञ्ज॒याय॑ नम॑स्ते अस्तु भगवन्विश्वेश्व॒राय॑ महादे॒वाय॑ त्र्यम्ब॒काय॑ त्रिपुरान्त॒काय॑ त्रिकाग्निका॒लाय॑ कालाग्निरु॒द्राय॑ नीलक॒ण्ठाय॑ मृत्युञ्ज॒याय॑ सर्वेश्व॒राय॑ सदाशि॒वाय॑ श्रीमन् महादे॒वाय॒ नमः॑ ।
oṁ nama̍ste astu bhagavanviśveśva̱rāya̍ mahāde̱vāya̍ tryamba̱kāya̍ tripurānta̱kāya̍ trikāgnikā̱lāya̍ kālāgniru̱drāya̍ nīlaka̱ṇṭhāya̍ mṛtyuñja̱yāya̍ sarveśva̱rāya̍ sadāśi̱vāya̍ śrīman mahāde̱vāya̱ nama̍ḥ ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ na–ma̍s–te as–tu bha–ga–van–viś–veś–va̱–rā–ya̍ ma–hā–de̱–vā–ya̍ tryam–ba̱–kā–ya̍ tri–pu–rān–ta̱–kā–ya̍ tri–kāg–ni–kā̱–lā–ya̍ kā–lāg–ni–ru̱d–rā–ya̍ nī–la–ka̱ṇ–ṭhā–ya̍ mṛt–yuñ–ja̱–yā–ya̍ sar–veś–va̱–rā–ya̍ sa–dā–śi̱–vā–ya̍ śrī–man ma–hā–de̱–vā–ya̱ na–ma̍ḥ ||
Let my salutations be to that Bhagavan who is the Lord of the universe, the great God who has three eyes and who destroyed the three Asura cities, Tripura; who is the Sandhya time when the three sacred fires are lit, who is Rudra, the fire that consumes the universe, whose throat is blue, who has conquered death, who is the Lord of all, the always auspicious one, Sadasiva, salutations to that glorious and great God.
Lesson 10: Mahā Mṛtyuñjaya Mantra

oṁ trya̍mbakaṁ yajāmahe suga̱ndhiṁ pu̍ṣṭi̱vardha̍nam |
u̱rvā̱ru̱kami̍va̱ bandha̍nān mṛ̱tyormu̍kṣīya̱ mā’mṛtā̎t ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ trya̍m–ba–kaṁ ya–jā–ma–he su–ga̱n–dhiṁ pu̍ṣ–ṭi̱–var–dha̍–nam |
u̱r–vā̱–ru̱–ka–mi̍–va̱ ban–dha̍–nān mṛ̱t–yor–mu̍k–ṣī–ya̱ mā’–mṛ–tā̎t ||
He who has a divine fragrance, Him who makes men plump through abundance, Him we worship—the thrī-eyed Rudra. Like a ripe gooseberry on the ground, loosened from its vine, release me from death but not from immortality.
Lesson 11: Gaṇapati Dīpam
ॐ साज्यं॑ त्रि॑व॑र्तिसं॒युक्तं॑ व॒ह्निना॒ योजितं॑ मया ।
गृहा॑ण॒ मङ्ग॑लं॒ दीपं॑ ई॒श पु॒त्र गणा॑धिपम् ॥
oṁ sājya̍ṁ tri̍va̍rtisa̱ṁyukta̍ṁ va̱hninā̱ yojita̍ṁ mayā |
gṛhā̍ṇa̱ maṅga̍la̱ṁ dīpa̍m ī̱śa pu̱tra gaṇā̍dhipam ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ sāj–ya̍ṁ tri̍–va̍r–ti–sa̱ṁ–yuk–ta̍ṁ
va̱h–ni–nā̱ yo–ji–ta̍ṁ ma–yā |
gṛ–hā̍–ṇa̱ maṅ–ga̍–la̱ṁ dī–pa̍m ī̱–śa pu̱t–ra ga–ṇā̍–dhi–pam ||
O Gaṇapati, Son of God Śiva, please accept this auspicious lamp prepared by me with ghī, thrī wicks and fire.
Lesson 12: Subrahmaṇya Dīpam
ॐ देव॑सेना॑पते॒ दीपं॑ सा॒ज्यव॒र्तिसम॑न्वितम् ।
तार॑कारे॑ कुमा॒रत्वं॑ गृ॒हण॒ हरन॑न्दन ॥
oṁ deva̍senā̍pate̱ dīpa̍ṁ sā̱jyava̱rtisama̍nvitam |
tāra̍kāre̍ kumā̱ratva̍ṁ gṛ̱haṇa̱ harana̍ndana ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ de–va̍–se–nā̍–pa–te̱ dī–pa̍ṁ sā̱j–ya–va̱r–ti–sa–ma̍n–vi–tam |
tā–ra̍–kā–re̍ ku–mā̱–rat–va̍ṁ gṛ̱–ha–ṇa̱ ha–ra–na̍n–da–na ||
O Thou! The husband of Devasena, destroyer of Tārakāsūra, made Manmada (lord of love and beauty) fīl ashamed because of your beauty, who makes Śiva happy, please accept the lamp that is made of ghī and thread.
Lesson 13: Śiva Dīpam
ॐ साज्य॑वर्ति॑ त्रयो॒पेतं॑ प्रा॒ज्यम॒गंल दा॑यकम् ।
दीपं॑ पश्य॑ दया॒राशे॑ दी॒नब॒न्धो नमो॑ऽस्तुते ॥
oṁ sājya̍varti̍ trayo̱peta̍ṁ prā̱jyama̱ṅgala dā̍yakam |
dīpa̍ṁ paśya̍ dayā̱rāśe̍ dī̱naba̱ndho namo̍’stute ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
oṁ sāj–ya̍–var–ti̍ tra–yo̱–pe–ta̍ṁ prā̱j–ya–ma̱ṅ–ga–la dā̍–ya–kam |
dī–pa̍ṁ paś–ya̍ da–yā̱–rā–śe̍ dī̱–na–ba̱n–dho na–mo̍’s–tu–te ||
O the Compassionate One, friend of devotees! See this lamp offered which is lighted with ghee and three wicks and which is the provider of abundant auspiciousness. Salutations to you!
Lesson 14: Gaṇeśa Invocation (Gaṇapati Prarthanā)
गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे
कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् ।
ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत
आ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम् ॥
gaṇānāṁ tvā gaṇapatiṁ havāmahe
kaviṁ kavīnāmupamaśravastamam |
jyeṣṭharājaṁ brahmaṇāṁ brahmaṇaspata
ā naḥ śṛṇvannūtibhiḥ sīda sādanam ||
….. with guru syllables in bold ……
ga-ṇā-nāṁ tvā ga-ṇa-pa-tiṁ ha-vā-ma-he
ka-viṁ ka-vī-nā-mu–pa–ma-śra-vas-tam-am |
jyeṣ-ṭha-rāj-aṁ brah-ma-ṇāṁ brah-ma-ṇas-pa-ta
ā naḥ śṛṇ-van-nū-ti-bhiḥ sī-da sā-da-nam ||
Guru Mantra audio–
Kailasa Parampara Guru Vandanam Mantra audio–